
Logo NewsRadar

The BfR-NewsRadar allows to inform about daily news in the area of health and consumer protection and was developed during the research project “SiLeBAT” at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR).

Below the link to access the BfR-NewsRadar webportal is provided. It allows the user to utilize a set of services:

The service “ConfigureUserSettings” allows to create and to change the user profile. The user receives a daily report mail based on the defined search term and the selected sources in the user profile.

Whereas, the service  “GenerateNewsReport” does create an ad hoc news report. The settings for the ad hoc search are taken over from the user profile, but can be changed without influencing the daily mail settings.

If the daily mail services should be paused for a defined time this can be set up in the service “PauseNewsReport“.

The list of news sources incorporated in the BfR-NewsRadar is continuously extended. Via the services “SuggestNewsSource” more news sources of interest can be provided. RSS Feeds are preferred.

The service “NewUserRegistration” allows to suggest new users to the BfR-NewsRadar (invitation based system).

Link to the NewsRadar Webportal

Please request credentials for the webportal via silebat(at)