A listing of tools available for predictive modelling in foods and quantitative microbial risk assessment
Model repositories
- Baseline Software Tool
- ComBase
- GroPIN
- Interactive online Catalogue on Risk Assessment (ICRA)
- Microbial Responses Viewer (MRV)
- openFSMR – a community driven search engine for predictive microbial models
- RAKIP Web Portal
Predictive microbial modelling
Fitting tools
- DMFit
- GInaFiT
- nlsMicrobio (R package)
- Bioinactivation (R package)
- Bioinactivation FE
- OptiPa
- PMM-Lab
Prediction tools
+ openFSMR – a community driven search engine for predictive microbial models
- Baseline Software Tool
- Bioinactivation FE
- Bioinactivation SE
- ComBase Predictor
- Dairy products safety predictor
- DMRI – predictive models for meat
- E. coli Inactivation in Fermented Meats Model
- EcSF – E. coli SafeFerment
- Food Spoilage and Safety Predictor (FSSP)
- GroPIN
- Listeria Control Model 2012
- Listeria Meat Model
- Microbial Responses Viewer (MRV)
- MicroHibro: Predictive Models
- MLA Refrigeration Index Calculator
- PMM-Lab
- Process lethality determination spreadsheet
- Perfringens Predictor
- Praedicere
- Salmonella predictions
- Shelf Stability Predictor
- Sym’Previus
- Therm 2.0
Tools for quantitative microbial risk assessment
- A swift Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment tool (sQMRA)
- FSK-Lab
- Interactive online Catalogue on Risk Assessment (ICRA)
- MicroHibro: Risk Model
- Risk Ranger
- @Risk
Other resources
- ComBase
- Emerging Zoonoses Information and Priority systems (EZIPs)
- EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database
- EFSA zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and food-borne outbreaks
- FDA’s Fresh Produce Risk Ranking Tool
- Food Commodity Intake Database (FCID)
- FoodProcess-Lab
- FOSCOLLAB: a global platform for food safety data and information
- NIZO Premia
- PredOxyPack
- The European Surveillance System (TESSy)
- Tool for Risk based Microbiological Criteria (TRiMiCri)
- Food Modelling Journal (FMJ)
- Microbiological Sampling Plans Tool (ICMSF Spreadsheet)
- Control Measures Validation (FSO) Tool
- Microbiological Sampling Plan Analysis Tool (JEMRA)