List of services
Services for registered users
Name |
Description |
Links |
This workflow allows to search, filter, inspect and download available models in the RAKIP-Web model repository as well as to execute them with default or user-defined simulations settings. After execution, the simulation results are displayed and the results of the model execution can be downloaded as JSON, Excel or as a new FSKX file. |
This workflow allows to create a new FSKX model file online. It is possible to provide all model annotation, model scripts and to include required resource files (e.g. csv, xlsx, txt) andand simulation scenarios. The model will NOT be executed online (for security reasons), but can be downloaded as FSKX file. |
This workflow allows to upload an existing FSKX model file in order to edit its metadata or script code. Also, resource files (e.g. csv, xlsx, txt) or simulation scenarios can be added, removed or modified. The model can be downloaded afterwards (without execution due to security restrictions). |
This workflow allows to graphically combine up to 4 different FSKX model files from the models available in FSK-Web into a single model. The generated joined model can then be edited (annotation), executed, and downloaded as FSKX file. |
This workflow allows to download and modify an FSKX model file from the Zenodo Knowledge Junction repository via its REST interface (https://developers.zenodo.org). Execution is also possible for unmodified models uploaded by the UploadToZenodo service. Model variants generated from the KJ FSKX files can be saved by the user locally. |
This workflow allows to create an FSKX model file from a Zenodo Knowledge Junction record. It uses Zenodo REST interface (https://developers.zenodo.org) to feed the record metadata including its attached resource files, e.g. the model script code, into the corresponding FSKX metadata fields (FSK Editor JS node). The GUI allows the user then to manually add missing metadata and create a valid FSKX model file. For security reasons, the generated FSKX model is not executed online, but can be downloaded. |
This workflow demonstrates how FSKX models can be joined and executed together. The models used within the workflow are derived from the model used in the EFSA Opinion 2020.6090 (Hazards, Koutsoumanis, Allende, et al. 2020). The workflow allows selecting one of the eight Consumer Phase Models (CPM) in order to combine it with one of the three Dose Response Models (DRM) and the Risk Reduction Model (RRM). The order for the joining of the models is CPM-DRM-RRM. |
This workflow demonstrates how FSKX models can be joined and executed together. The models used within the workflow are derived from the model used in (Hazards et al. 2018) . The workflow allows to combine the Dose Response Model (DRM), one Process Model (PM) and one Exposure Model (EM) with one Risk Characterization Model (RCM). Regarding PM, EM and RCM, it is possible to choose from 2 model versions, one version for all ready-to-eat food products together and one version for each ready-to-eat food product separately (perRTEproduct). The order for the joining of the models is DRM-PM-EM-RCM. |
Services for curators
Name | Description | Links |
This workflow allows to upload an FSKX model file from a local computer into the curation section of the RAKIP-Web model repository. |
This workflow allows to remove an FSKX model from an online repository. | |
This workflow allows to upload an FSKX model file to EFSA’s Knowledge Junction repository via Zenodo REST interface (https://developers.zenodo.org). Selected model metadata will be used to create a Zenodo record with the model file as a resource. Additionally, a link to the BfR hosted RAKIP-Web model repository will be attached to the record, to execute and download the model there. |
Procedure to apply for login credentials
In order to access the RAKIP-Web Protected Area Services a login is required.
Login credentials can be obtained upon request from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessement (BfR) by writing an email to our KNIME support:
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question around the webportal or FSK-Lab.
This manual was created with support from EU and EFSA funding (GP/EFSA/AMU/2016/01) by BfR. It only reflects the BfR researchers views. Neither EFSA, EU nor BfR is responsible for any use of the website or the service.EFSA is an agency of the European Union