RAKIP Harmonization Resources

Food Safety Knowledge Metadata*

Models and data need to be annotated in a harmonized way. For this, we have defined a structured list of metadata, called “Metadata Master Table”, that are relevant for describing data or models in the risk assessment and predictive microbial modelling domains. For each metadata concept it has also been defined if this concept is considered mandatory or not and what cardinality each metadata concept has.

The “Generic Metadata Schema” contains the complete list of metadata concepts that allow to describe in detail all models or data. Apart from the “Generic Metadata Schema”, we have defined dedicated metadata schema for specific model / data classes, using relevant subset of the generic metadata schema.

The proposed metadata schema:

Metadata_ Master_Table_V1.04

A web-app has been devloped to view, edit and download the metadata schema. The app also allows to generate Java classes that are used as a base for our reference implementation FSK-Lab. More languages will be supported in the future.

To the Schema Editor:


Community driven Controlled Vocabularies*

To support harmonized annotation of food safety knowledge we established an online resource with controlled vocabularies for those metadata concepts that are not free text. Some of them are specific for the different model classes. These controlled vocabularies are based on the terms used by other sources like ontologies, standards and tools (SSD-CODE, FOODON, MIME, PMM-Lab, OpenFSMR, Bibliographic Ontology Specification, etc.)

The lists of proposed controlled vocabularies for food safety knowledge annotation:



The terms describing the steps and entities in the risk assessment model generation process including PM and QMRA modelling have been discussed within the RAKIP project until consensus has been reached. All these terms have been detailed in an online glossary that can be freely accessed.

The proposed glossary with terms describing the risk assessment model generation process:

RAKIP_Terms and concepts_Glossary_V1.00

Excel template for model metadata provisioning compliant to FSKX format*

In order to facilitate the provisioning of metadata from the “Metadata Master Table” schema compliant to FSKX format, a document called “Metadata Annotation Template” has been created. It meets all the requirements for importing metadata required by FSKX format and includes the lists of controlled vocabularies as dropdown lists.
The “Metadata Annotation Template” will be updated automatically and instantly in case the “Metadata Master Table” or the lists of controlled vocabularies are modified.

The Excel template for model metadata of all model classes (e.g., generic model or dose-response model):

Model Annotation Excel template Version 1.04

The Excel template for model metadata of the generic model:

Generic Model Annotation Excel template Version 1.04

Proposals for improving RAKIP Harmonization Resources

All the RAKIP Harmonization Resources can be improved and updated by the community. Any proposal for improving those resources can be made via an online form. So far, the RAKIP partners are the curators of these resources.

The online form for making proposals for improving RAKIP Harmonization Resources can be accessed via this link (please contact the BfR-RAKIP team for the passwort):


Links for RAKIP Harmonization Resources Versions

RAKIP Harmonization Resources Versions

* This resource was developed in part under the EFSA-BfR Framework Partnership Agreement Area 2   https://foodrisklabs.bfr.bund.de/safetytools-efsa-sa2/