Excel Template for Model Metadata Provisioning Compliant to FSKX Format

In order to facilitate the provisioning of metadata from the “Metadata Master Table” schema compliant to FSKX format, a document called “Metadata Annotation Template” has been created. It meets all the requirements for importing metadata required by FSKX format and includes the lists of controlled vocabularies as dropdown lists.
The “Metadata Annotation Template” will be updated automatically and instantly in case the “Metadata Master Table” or the lists of controlled vocabularies are modified.

The Excel template for model metadata of all model classes (e.g., generic model or dose-response model):

Model Annotation Excel template Version 1.04

The Excel template for model metadata of the generic model:

Generic Model Annotation Excel template Version 1.04


This resource was developed in part under the EFSA-BfR Framework Partnership Agreement Area 2   https://foodrisklabs.bfr.bund.de/safetytools-efsa-sa2/