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- In this tutorial we’ll show you how to import delivery data to FoodChain-Lab via our All-in-one Excel template.
- All data will be entered in one file.
- The All-in-one template can be download from here:…
- If you do not want to fill the template yourself, you can download the filled out result of this tutorial from here:…
- Open “All_In_One_Template.xlsx” and select the Stations sheet.
- Here you must enter all stations of the delivery network.
- The Company_ID column is mandatory, all other columns are optional.
- Next to Additional Fields you can specify your own columns, for which you would like to enter data.

- Now select the Deliveries sheet.
- Here you must enter all deliveries between the stations defined in the previous sheet.
- The columns with the red headers are mandatory. In Station and Recipient you must enter Company_IDs from the previous sheet.
- Next to Additional Fields you can specify your own columns, for which you would like to enter data.

- Now select the Deliveries2Deliveries sheet.
- Here you can connect two deliveries from the previous sheet. In both columns you must enter DeliveryIDs.
- The From-delivery is a part/ingredient of the To-delivery. A contamination can spread from “From” to “To“.

- Switch back to the Stations sheet and enter the data from the screenshot.

- Switch to the Deliveries sheet and enter the data from the screenshot.
- The “Yogurt Factory” produces two lots of yogurt. Milk from delivery “L117_1” is used for the first lot (“LY1”) and milk from deliveries “L117_2” and “L14_1” is used for the second lot (“LY2”). This ingredient information will be entered in the next sheet.

- In this sheet you can only reference deliveries and not lots.
- Therefore we have to connect “L117_1” to both deliveries of lot “LY1” (“LY1_1” and “LY1_2”).
- And “L117_2” and “L14_1” have to be connected to both deliveries of lot “LY2” (“LY2_1” and “LY2_2”).

- After entering all data in the template, please open KNIME now.
- Then select Food-Lab > Open DB Gui… in the menu bar to open the database interface.

- To import this file click on the Table import button in the upper left corner of the database interface.

- In the file dialog that appears, select “All_In_One_Template.xlsx” and press Open.

- You’ll see a message that the import was successful.
- Press OK.

- In the database interface you’ll notice, that there is now data in the tables.