OH Surveillance Ontology
Advised by ontology experts from the computer science field, and supported by expert elicitation from ORION partners, we are developing the “Health Surveillance Ontology”.
All resources can be consulted here:
OH Harmonization Tools
Our goal is to support the use of data for decision in health surveillance across the sectors involved in One-Health surveillance (OHS) – animal health, public health and food safety. We focus on data interoperability, rather than data sharing, and develop tools to improve data FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability).
Our team is mapping the data workflows in OHS, and working to improve inter-agency collaboration as early in the process as possible. Under activities named “OHS practice track”, we seek to understand how technology can support and strengthen the collaboration work, and how we can support the production of linked data through existing practices, without adding an extra burden on those who carry our data analysis and publishing. In parallel, the “technical solutions track” is composed by a team of scientists and consultants who are developing the necessary tools to support data annotation using the ontology, as well as storage and access to linked data. Most of these tools are summarized under the umbrella of the OH Linked Data Toolbox.
For more details see:

The EJP project ORION has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773830