The RAKIP-Web Model Repository is a community driven web-based model repository that has been developed with the primary objective to provide a compilation of risk assessment data and models.
The RAKIP-Web Model Repository is divided into two domains, a public page and a protected area, the latter provides additional features.
The RAKIP-Web Model Repository can be accessed via the following link:
All users are able to use the following services from the RAKIP-Web Model Repository:
- search and filter for models of interest (1)
- view model details (2)
- download models (3)
- access the FSK-Web Protected Area (4)
By clicking on the sandwich menu on the upper right corner of the page, registered users will have access to the RAKIP-Web Protected Area which will allow to use the exclusive web-services to execute, create, edit, join and upload FSKX compliant models.
This manual was created with support from EU and EFSA funding (GP/EFSA/AMU/2016/01) by BfR. It only reflects the BfR researchers views. Neither EFSA, EU nor BfR is responsible for any use of the website or the service.EFSA is an agency of the European Union