Below you can find events related to tools developed by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment.
FoodChain-Lab Training
(11.02.2025 in Paris, France)
Digital traceability: interoperable software tools and harmonized data structures
(23.01.2025 online)
Flyer Agenda
Symposium: Linked Data im Zeitalter der generativen Künstlichen Intelligenz – Neue Perspektiven oder überholte Vision?
Register now for the Linked Data Symposium from 12.–13.12.2024 in Berlin:
(12.–13.12.2024, Berlin, lectures will be in German and English)
Preliminary Program
Registration (free)
Abstract submission for scientific poster (extended until 24.11.2024)
International Conference: Global commodity chains from a risk assessment perspective
(27. – 29.05.2024, Berlin)
Programme & Registration
Data standardisation in tracing activities along complex food supply chains – Workshop on the EFSA-BfR traceability projects for EFSA staff
(13.03.2024 in Parma, Italy and online)
Flyer Agenda
Möglichkeiten des Austauschs und der Wiederverwendung von KI-Modellen: FSKX -Format und RAKIP-Modell-Repository, KIDA Online-Fachvortrag
(11.12.2023, 11:00 – 12:00, online)
Data standardisation in tracing activities – Joint final workshop of the EFSA-BfR traceability projects
(21.09.2023-22.09.2023 in Berlin, Germany)
Flyer Agenda
RAKIP Initiative @ 12th International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Food (ICPMF12)
Workshop: Exploiting the power of the harmonized knowledge exchange format FSKX
(13.06.2023, 14:00 – 17:00, on-site event in Sapporo, Japan for attendees of the ICPMF12)
FoodChain-Lab Training
(22.02.2023-23.02.2023 in Oeiras, Portugal)
Food Safety Knowledge Exchange (FSKX) Workshop – a Side Event of the ONE Conference 2022
(20.06.2022, 14:30 – 17:30 CEST in Brussels, Belgium, on-site event)
Towards Interoperable One Health Model Repositories – a Side Event of the ONE Conference 2022 by RAKIP Initiative
(23.06.2022, lunchtime CEST in Brussels, Belgium, hybrid event)
Programme, slides and recordings
FoodChain-Lab Online-Training (in German)
(08.-12.2020-09.12.2020 via Web Meeting)
FoodChain-Lab Training
(21.01.2020-22.01.2020 in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg)
FoodChain-Lab Training
(08.10.2019-10.10.2019 in Madrid, Spain)
FoodChain-Lab Training
(03.12.2018-05.12.2018 in Parma, Italy)
ECDC-EFSA joint workshop on „Preparedness for a multi-national food safety-public health incident“
(15.05.2018-17.05.2018 in Vienna, Austria)
FoodChain-Lab Training
(17.04.2018 – 18.04.2018 in Vienna, Austria)
FoodChain-Lab Training
(19.03.2018-21.03.2018 in Budapest, Hungary)
Workshop: Risk Assessment Modelling and Knowledge Sharing Initiatives (RAKIP/FDA-iRISK®)
(26.09.2017 in Cordoba, Spain)
FoodChain-Lab Training
(08.11.2017-10.11.2017 in Berlin, Germany)
FoodChain-Lab Training
(14.06.2017-16.06.2017 in London, United Kingdom)
BfR-Training STEM-Workshop
(06.02.2017-07.02.2017 in Berlin, Germany)
Baltic Countries 2016 Workshop on Crisis preparedness
(15.03.2016 – 17.03.2016 in Riga, Latvia)
HoA workshop: Tools supporting food chain safety assessments
(08.02.2016 – 09.02.2016 in Berlin, Germany)
BfR-Academy Training FoodChain-Lab
(12.11.2015 – 13.11.2015)
Einführung in die Software FoodChain-Lab –
Ein innovatives Werkzeug für mehr Lebensmittelsicherheit durch Warenkettenanalysen
(12.05.2015 – 13.05.2015 in Bern, Swiss)
FoodChain Lab – Ein innovatives Werkzeug für mehr Lebensmittelsicherheit durch Warenkettenanalysen
(19.03.2015 – 20.03.2015 in Berlin)
Fortbildungsveranstaltung für den Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst 2015
(25.03.2015 – 27.03.2015 in Berlin)
Tracing the Bug – Vorwärts- und Rückverfolgung von Lebensmitteln
Dr. Armin Weiser (BfR)